Expression of Trichophyton Mentagrophytes Keratinase and Researches on Their Biological Roles; Pathogenesis of Trichophyton rubrum secreted metalloprotease 须癣毛癣菌角蛋白酶的表达及生物学作用红色毛癣菌金属蛋白酶Metalloprotease致病性研究
The Identification of Trichophyton Rubrum and Trichophyton Mentagrophytes by PCR Fingerprinting; a small slender short-haired breed of African origin having brownish fur with a reddish undercoat. 红色毛癣菌和须癣毛癣菌微小卫星引物PCR研究非洲种瘦长而短毛的小猫,皮毛略带褐色,底层绒毛略带红色。
Antifungal Action of Euphorbia Humifusa Extracts and Effect on Squalene Epoxidase of Trichophyton Rubrum 地锦草提取物抗真菌作用及对红色毛癣菌角鲨烯环氧化酶的影响
Study of Pathogenicity of 7 Common Nail Pathogenic Fungi and Interaction of Trichophyton Rubrum and Scopulariopsis Brevicaulis; The Role of Nail Lysate Microscopy Combined with Histochemistry Staining in Etiological Diagnosis of Onychomycosis 7种甲真菌病致病菌的侵袭力及红色毛癣菌和短帚霉相互作用的比较溶甲涂片镜检结合组化染色对甲真菌病病原学诊断的意义
Reanalysis of characteristics of colony morphology and microscopic structure of Trichophyton rubrum 红色毛癣菌临床分离株的菌落形态和镜下结构特征再分析
Inhibitive effects of three antibiotic textiles on the growth of Trichophyton rubrum and Trichophyton mentagrophytes 三种抗菌织物对红色毛癣菌和须癣毛癣菌生长抑制效应的实验研究
Pathogenesis of Trichophyton rubrum secreted metalloprotease 红色毛癣菌金属蛋白酶Metalloprotease致病性研究
Onychomycosis caused by Trichophyton rubrum and Cladosporium cladosporioides in psoriasis patient: one case report 红色毛癣菌和枝孢样枝孢霉混合感染导致银屑病患者甲真菌病1例
Experimental Study of Inhibition of Sodium Nitrite on Trichophyton Rubrum 亚硝酸钠对红色毛癣菌抑制作用的实验研究
It was found that in Chengdu area the major dermatophyte was Trichophyton rubrum and the major deep fungus was Sporothrix Schenkii, and the lipophilic Pityrosporum related to various skin diseases. 发现成都地区的浅部真菌主要是红色毛癖菌,深部真菌主要是申克氏孢子丝菌,嗜脂性的糠秕孢子菌与多种皮肤病有关。
Objective To investigate the DNA type of Trichophyton rubrum and to discuss the application of DNA typing method in its clinical identification and epidemiology study. 目的研究红色毛癣菌DNA分型并探讨DNA分型技术在临床菌种鉴定以及流行病学中的应用。
Suspension quantitative germicidal test was used to observe the efficacy of chlorine dioxide solution with or without addition of sodium citrate in killing Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Trichophyton rubrum. 以悬液定量杀菌试验,观察二氧化氯溶液加柠檬酸钠与否对须发癣菌与红色毛癣菌的杀灭效果。
Distributive relationship between dermatophytosis and pathogenic bateria: The pathogenic bateria was trichophyton rubrum. 皮肤癣菌病与病原菌的分布关系:病原菌主要是红色毛癣菌。
[ Results] The general MIC of ginger oleoresin for dermatophytes was 0.0002%~ 0.0032%, and MICs to Trichophyton rubrum, T. [结果]姜油树脂对皮肤癣菌的总体MIC值为0.0002%~0.0032%;
Deep dermatophytosis caused by Trichophyton rubrum with concomitant disseminated nocardiosis in a renal transplant recipient 肾移植患者伴红色发癣菌合并播散性诺卡菌感染引起的深部皮肤真菌病1例
This paper reports the effect of fiuccinolone acetonide, cholesterol and stilbestrol against the trichophyton rubrum growth in vitro. 本文报告醋酸肤轻松、胆固醇和乙底酚对试管内霉菌生长的影响。
Four species of dermatophytes were cultured, of which the trichophyton Rubrum was the highest positive ( 37%) and the most frequent causative agent of the hyperkeratotic type of Tinea Pedis. 实验室培养出四种皮肤霉菌,以红色癣菌阳性率最高,占37%,而红色癣菌又是手足癣角化型的主要致病菌。
Analysis of secreted proteases of Trichophyton rubrum 红色毛癣菌分泌性蛋白酶的分析
Typing of Trichophyton rubrum by random amplification of polymorphic DNA 红色毛癣菌随机扩增DNA多态性分型研究
A diagnosis of disseminated Trichophyton rubrum granuloma was made. 诊断为播散性红色毛癣菌肉芽肿。
Methods: Two novel tandem repeat subelements ( TRSs), TRS-1 and TRS-2, located in the Trichophyton rubrum rDNA nontranscribed spacer ( NTS) were amplified from 63 strains of Trichophyton rubrum. 方法:PCR扩增红色毛癣菌核糖体的非转录间隔区(NTS)的两个串联重复亚单位TRS1和TRS2区,进行种内分型。
Tinea profunda cysticum caused by Trichophyton rubrum Deep Autumn 红色毛癣菌引起的深在囊状癣
The influence of matrine as an anti-fungal drug was also studied. The MIC and MFC of matrine to Trichophyton rubrum are respectively 0.1 mg/ mL and 10 mg/ mL, and those to E. floccosum 0.2 mg/ mL and 20 mg/ mL; 论文还对苦参碱类生物碱的抑真菌作用进行了研究,结果表明:苦参碱对红色毛癣菌MIC和MFC分别是0.1mg/mL和10mg/mL,对絮状表皮癣菌的MIC和MFC分别是0.2mg/mL和20mg/mL;
Determination of Guanine and Cytosine Contents of Trichophyton Rubrum Nuclear DNA with the Thermal Denaturation Technique 热变性法测定红色毛癣菌核中DNA鸟嘌呤加胞嘧啶含量的研究
Fingernail specimen's culture results showed that Trichophyton rubrum grew on Sabouraud's dextrose agar and Pityrosporum ovale grew on the medium containing rapeseed oil. 指甲培养结果发现在沙堡培养基有红色毛癣菌生长,在含菜子油培养基有卵形糠秕孢子菌生长。
Study on the biological characteristics of Trichophyton rubrum 红色毛癣菌的生物学特性研究
PCR fingerprint identification of Trichophyton rubrum and Trichophyton mentagrophytes using single primers specific to minisatellites and simple repetitive DNA sequence 用微小卫星引物PCR鉴定红色毛癣菌和须癣毛癣菌